I'm endlessly impressed that you can clean out for an orgy with only a bulb and ~10 refills total. I just switched to the shower attachment and it's made my life so much easier - still anxious about the longevity of my clean if I were to Bttm at an orgy. Thank you for your share!
I'm endlessly impressed that you can clean out for an orgy with only a bulb and ~10 refills total. I just switched to the shower attachment and it's made my life so much easier - still anxious about the longevity of my clean if I were to Bttm at an orgy. Thank you for your share!
Lol it's taken a long time to get it right tbh haha. And I hope that attachment solves the issues for you!
What post-bang/orgy routines do you do to "treat" your hole? I've read about Epsom salt baths or vitamin E oil, however wondering what you do.
I’ve tried the bulb, and it just takes too long. The shower attachment is the way to go.
Can you link the 9 inch dildo you used so I can see if I’m interested? Thanks in advance!